We support you throughout the entire treasury management change process.

From the initial planning phase to the daily treasury management, we facilitate and assist you in your change to an automated treasury model integrated with ERP systems and interconnected with banks.

Servicios Consultoria Sistemas Tesoreria Automatizada TMS AllCMS


expert consultants in finance and treasury


of satisfied customers recommend us


proven in +95 successful projects


100% in Spanish

Globant Logo Solucion TMS AllCMS
Naturgy Logo Partner Solucion Tesoreria AllCMS
Estabanell Logo Implementacion TMS AllCMS
Hyatt Logo Implementador TMS AllCMS
Grupo IFA Logo Integrador TMS AllCMS

Steps of treasury systems consulting and TMS implementation services

We turn our clients’ treasury and payment objectives into successful and viable projects, which are executed in an excellent way thanks to a proven methodology, great experience and knowledge, and an advanced and reliable technological solution.

The successful implementation of a treasury solution is done in phases, ensuring a progressive and effective change management.

This is where the automation of your finance department begins

Streamline the treasurer’s day-to-day work, facilitate decision making and enjoy a centralized, up-to-date and reliable treasury

Solucion Cash Management Gestion Tesoreria All CMS


The TMS your finance department needs

The consulting team, using its own methodology, gathers information on treasury processes and proposes an improvement plan in a short period of time, prioritizing it according to feasibility and value added.

Nuestra propuesta de valor


Configuration of the automated treasury solution

With a proven methodology, the implementation team designs, parameterizes, tests and trains customers so that the use of the treasury management tool is correct, complete and adjusted to the expectations of each project.

Soluciones para la Transformación Digital Tesorería Altin CMS España


Treasury team training

Within the implementation projects, in case of personnel rotation, or in case of our clients' professional growth demands, we offer courses for the use of the treasury management automation tool, with different levels of specialization depending on the needs.

Servicios Consultoria Sistemas Tesoreria Automatizada TMS Kyriba AllCMS


Continuous support in the operation of the solution

All implementation projects end with a documented go-to-production that the support team takes care of in a personalized way. Support is provided by qualified consultants, both in the solution and in treasury management, to facilitate the use of the automation tool, accompany users in their learning process and resolve doubts or errors immediately.

Dedicated and specialized customer service in treasury systems consultancy.

As a specialized integrator partner, we talk to our customers to find out how to support their time savings and cost reduction by optimizing the use of the tool.

“We provide an accompanied and consulting service, with senior professionals in the field of treasury, who facilitate and support the change in processes and technology that our customers expect”

Esther Nieto Cabrera

Esther Nieto, Professional Services Director

at All CMS

Why choose All CMS as your TMS implementation partner?

We minimise the time required to set up the initial solution and to extend the functionalities required by the business.

We have a qualified team with extensive experience in highly specialised treasury and payment projects both nationally and internationally.

We offer first-level support to guide you during the project.

All CMS Cash Management Solutions Mejor Partner de Kyriba Espana Spain

We are the TMS integration partner for you!


Whether you are looking for a treasury systems consultancy service to help you make the right choice and implement a TMS, contact us.

Some successful treasury systems consultancy projects completed by All CMS

FAQs about treasury systems consultancy services

Which processes in your cash management do you perform manually and which take up a lot of your time?

A cash management system is able to automate many of the tasks that would otherwise have to be done manually. The receipt of bank statements, the uploading of forecasts, the reconciliation of forecasts and actuals, the company’s liquidity position. etc.

What kind of connectivity does Kyriba use to connect to banks?

Kyriba has a connectivity hub from which it can connect to banking institutions via APIs, local protocols (e.g. Editran) Swiftnet (Service Bureau, AL2 BA, Bank Concentrator) SFTP…

Why choose a cash management automation solution?

To avoid spending hours manually performing tasks and use that time for decision-making and analysis.

How to choose the implementer of the cash management solution?

The most important thing in a TMS implementation project is not so much the solution but the implementer. It is very important to choose an implementer that has extensive experience in this type of project, as well as resources officially certified by the manufacturer, in order to have all the guarantees of a successful project. In the case of international projects, the experience that the implementer may have in similar projects in the countries that are part of the scope of the project is important.

Is the tool secure?

Kyriba’s SaaS tool has all the internationally required security certificates. Kyriba’s investment in security is of vital importance as the security of its platform is the most important pillar of its raison d’être.

We guide you to start your TMS implementation project.

Would you like to know the full potential of your business treasury? Our experts in treasury systems consultancy will be pleased to give you a personalised demo.